Not Your Typical WOL

Even though Grhug has adventured alongside the scions and other WOL’s, Grhug could not receive the blessing from Hydaelyn due to him already having the blessing of another.

An Unwanted blessing

On one side of Grhugs body are golden tribal tattoos with the mark of Rhalgar appearing on his shoulder blade. Grhug was unknowingly bestowed the blessing of Rhalgar in the same explosion that killed his father and left half hi s body scarred. As his power grew the scars would glow golden with the divine blessing. It was with his travels with the captain that he came across a shaman of the coast of Thavnair, which was able to put tribal tattoos over the scarred areas which allowed him to better channel this blessing from Rhalgar.

House of Avalon

A former member of the round table of Avalon, he was invited to join them by his good friend and now head of AVA Wrathoc Smith. It was with AVA and the scions Grhug fought against the primals, Garlemald and assisted in the Dragonsong war, but as the war ended, he found himself at odds with other members of the round table and decided the best thing for the House of Avalon was for him to move on.


Grhug took his fortune from traveling with the captain and invested it into many different business ventures. While with AVA and not adventuring he ran a small bakery which specialized in coffee biscuits and small treats. He closed his bakery and began running expeditions to the land of Eureka. Currently he is the owner of the Repose Night Club

Protective Instinct

As with any father his entire world revolves around his daughter Elania Strongfoot, he found her when she was just a child. As a child she never left his side and he never was far from her. Even though he seems tough on her he would never let her want for anything. As she grew up she left his side, but he never stopped protecting her. He has traveled worlds to protect her, and will always put her before him.

Behind a Warrior's Rampart

Just as he mitigates physical damage, Grhug has developed certain habits to avoid emotional damage. He is a stoic and kind individual, always willing to lend a hand to anyone needing it. He keeps to his close friends and loved ones. You will often find him surrounded by them, they are his true defense